Stockholm—and few places can beat this 50-seat restaurant opened by Adam Dahlberg and Albin Wessman in 2016. The pair previously worked with Mathias Dahlgren, one of Sweden’s most respected chefs. The five-course dinner will cost you just over $100 (wine pairing extra), or you can perch at the bar and order dishes one by one. The chefs also run a lunchtime-only restaurant next door called Tvätteriet, which is known for its delicious noodles."> 回顾亚当/阿尔宾|斯德哥尔摩,瑞典- AFAR - 188app官网下载


Rådmansgatan 16, 114 25瑞典斯德哥尔摩
+46 8 411 55 35

现代瑞典食物使用当地生产的食材,强调简单,简单的菜肴在瑞典风靡一时斯德哥尔摩没有什么地方能比得上亚当·达尔伯格和阿尔宾·威斯曼在2016年开的这家只有50个座位的餐厅。两人此前曾与瑞典最受尊敬的厨师之一马蒂亚斯·达尔格伦(Mathias Dahlgren)合作。一顿五道菜的晚餐只需100多美元(配酒另算),你也可以坐在吧台前,一个一个点餐。厨师们还在隔壁开了一家只在午餐时间营业的餐厅,名为Tvätteriet,以美味的面条而闻名。
