
Get travel inspiration for your next beach vacation, in the U.S. or abroad.

U.S. Beaches
These beaches, spread across five Hawaiian islands, showcase the beauty of the Aloha State’s coasts.
Puerto Rico is blessed with countless beautiful beaches, many of which have unique qualities. Don’t miss <a href=Flamenco Beach, a haven of fine sand and perfectly clear water. You'll find it on the island of Culebra, which is easily accessible from the mainland. At the southwestern Bahía Sucia, explore nooks and crannies in the rocks high above the rolling waves. The beaches of northwestern Rincón are a surfer’s nirvana and home to some of Puerto Rico’s best sunsets; idyllic Gilligan's Island in the south and nearby Isla Ballena (Whale Island) deserve a daylong excursion for swimming, kayaking, snorkeling, and picnicking. Spend at least one evening watching the water change color in one of three bioluminescent bays around the island." width="490" height="275" data-srcset="!/quality/90/? 1x,!/quality/90/? 2x" data-src="!/quality/90/?" data-lazy-load="true" src="">