
特克斯和凯科斯群岛的丘镇定居点TKCA 1ZZ

探索特克斯和凯科斯群岛的40个岛屿和小岛,保证提供一些你见过的最壮观的热带景观。幸运的是,Island Vibes Tours很乐意在Grace Bay Club前的海滩上接您。无论是浮潜,海滩烧烤,潜水,私人双体船之旅,日落之旅,还是VIP豪华体验,岛屿氛围之旅都能让你实现。在最近的一次访问中,我参加了半天的浮潜之旅。从我爬上船的那一刻起,派对就开始了。朗姆酒滚滚而来,经典的根雷鬼音乐混合在一起,微笑在左右闪烁,明亮的西印度太阳把它的能量倾注在我们身上。第一站是世界上最大的珊瑚礁之一。穿上潜水装备,我跳了进去。几分钟后,我跟着一条巨大的斑点鹰鳐,它优雅地在清澈的海水中滑行。魔法。 The next stop was adjacent to a beautiful green islet surrounded by sparkling shallows perfect for a quick dip. It was time to try out a few of the boat’s special amenities: a slide and a diving board! Finally, we pulled into amazing Half Moon Bay. Here I was greeted by an overgrown sandbar turned pristine three-quarter-mile blindingly white sand beach! Idyllic doesn’t do this place justice. But just when I thought it couldn’t get any better… my hosts produced two live conchs, which they cleaned on the beach and proceeded to whip up some of the freshest conch salad I’ve ever had.



探索特克斯和凯科斯群岛的40个岛屿和小岛,保证提供一些你见过的最壮观的热带景观。幸运的是,Island Vibes Tours很乐意在Grace Bay Club前的海滩上接您。无论是浮潜,海滩烧烤,潜水,私人双体船之旅,日落之旅,还是VIP豪华体验,岛屿氛围之旅都能让你实现。在最近的一次访问中,我参加了半天的浮潜之旅。从我爬上船的那一刻起,派对就开始了。朗姆酒滚滚而来,经典的根雷鬼音乐混合在一起,微笑在左右闪烁,明亮的西印度太阳把它的能量倾注在我们身上。第一站是世界上最大的珊瑚礁之一。穿上潜水装备,我跳了进去。几分钟后,我跟着一条巨大的斑点鹰鳐,它优雅地在清澈的海水中滑行。魔法。 The next stop was adjacent to a beautiful green islet surrounded by sparkling shallows perfect for a quick dip. It was time to try out a few of the boat’s special amenities: a slide and a diving board! Finally, we pulled into amazing Half Moon Bay. Here I was greeted by an overgrown sandbar turned pristine three-quarter-mile blindingly white sand beach! Idyllic doesn’t do this place justice. But just when I thought it couldn’t get any better… my hosts produced two live conchs, which they cleaned on the beach and proceeded to whip up some of the freshest conch salad I’ve ever had.
