Québec City, less than a half hour by car, the Île d'Orléans is the source of much of the bounty that you'll find in the city's farmers' market, the Marché du Vieux-Port. The island's farms and orchards grow apples, berries, and vegetables while some specialize in products that are ideal to take home as gifts: jams, maple syrup (and maple candies), and ice wines. The island is also noteworthy for its historic significance—it is home to some of the oldest settlements in Québec, dating back to the 1660s. Today the island is divided into six communities, each named after its parish church (several of them from the 17th century). It wouldn't take long to do a loop of the entire island if you were in a hurry, but that's not the point of the place. Instead you should plan on frequent pit stops at farm stands and tasting rooms."> 审查Île d' orlsamans | Saint Jean De L'Île d' orlsamans, Canada - AFAR - 188app官网下载

Ile d 'Orleans

Saint-Jean-de-l'Île-d' orlsamans, QC, Canada

就在下游魁北克市从这里开车不到半小时,你就能在城市的农贸市场march du Vieux-Port找到很多丰富的食物。岛上的农场和果园种植苹果、浆果和蔬菜,而一些专门生产的产品是带回家作为礼物的理想选择:果酱、枫糖浆(和枫糖)和冰酒。该岛的历史意义也值得注意——它是qusamubec一些最古老的定居点的所在地,可以追溯到17世纪60年代。今天,该岛分为六个社区,每个社区都以其教区教堂命名(其中几个建于17世纪)。如果你赶时间的话,绕着整个岛转一圈不会花很长时间,但这不是这个地方的重点。相反,你应该计划经常在农场小摊和品酒室停下来。
