Florence and want to escape the city for a day of wine tasting and good food, Castello di Sonnino, home of the aristocratic Barone de Renzis Sonnino family, is only a twenty-minute drive away, and you can get there on the public bus. The oldest part of this fairytale castle and its rambling outbuildings dates from the 1200s, but it has been added to over the centuries. Part of the Chianti-Montespertoli DOCG, 48 hectares are planted with vines and the wines have won many awards including a gold medal from Decanter magazine for the 2015 Vin Santo. A visit here can include a tour of the cellars, a tasting of the superb wines and lunch in the restaurant: you may even meet Caterina, the present Baroness. And if was you are too tired to make the journey back to Florence, there are several apartments for rent on the property. "> 意大利蒙特斯佩尔托利的Sonnino城堡回顾- AFAR - 188app官网下载


Volterrana Nord大街6号

如果你是在弗洛伦斯想要逃离城市,享受一天的美酒品尝和美食,Sonnino城堡,贵族Barone de Renzis Sonnino家族的家,距离这里只有20分钟的车程,你可以乘坐公共汽车到达。这座童话般的城堡最古老的部分及其杂乱的附属建筑可以追溯到12世纪,但几个世纪以来一直在扩建。作为基安蒂-蒙特斯佩托利DOCG的一部分,这里种植了48公顷的葡萄树,这些葡萄酒赢得了许多奖项,包括2015年《醇鉴》杂志颁发的金奖。在这里参观可以包括参观酒窖,品尝一流的葡萄酒和在餐厅吃午餐:你甚至可以见到卡特琳娜,现任男爵夫人。如果你太累了,无法赶回佛罗伦萨,这里有几套公寓可供出租。



如果你是在弗洛伦斯想要逃离城市,享受一天的美酒品尝和美食,Sonnino城堡,贵族Barone de Renzis Sonnino家族的家,距离这里只有20分钟的车程,你可以乘坐公共汽车到达。这座童话般的城堡最古老的部分及其杂乱的附属建筑可以追溯到12世纪,但几个世纪以来一直在扩建。作为基安蒂-蒙特斯佩托利DOCG的一部分,这里种植了48公顷的葡萄树,这些葡萄酒赢得了许多奖项,包括2015年《醇鉴》杂志颁发的金奖。在这里参观可以包括参观酒窖,品尝一流的葡萄酒和在餐厅吃午餐:你甚至可以见到卡特琳娜,现任男爵夫人。如果你太累了,无法赶回佛罗伦萨,这里有几套公寓可供出租。
