Bodegas Vista Alegre

Victor Manuel Bernales 467, Ica 11000,秘鲁

当我访问秘鲁的伊卡时,我们在沙漠中进行了一次由三部分组成的酒厂之旅。我们从阿雷格里酒店(Bodegas Vista Alegre)开始。这家酒厂有一个漂亮的入口。我不禁回想起电影《打击》,约翰尼·德普饰演的角色第一次遇到巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔。但不用担心,这只是一个酿酒厂。这趟旅行将带你穿过装有旧木葫芦的房间,里面装满了发酵的葡萄酒和秘鲁的国酒皮斯科。接下来我们去了塔卡马庄园,这是我最喜欢的地方。这里的景色令人叹为观止,从钟楼望去,你可以看到酿酒厂、沙漠和伊卡周围群山的全景。最后一站是Bodega El Catador,在那里我们有最有趣的导游。这个地方的皮斯科酒太烈了,我差点窒息! So before you sample, have a chaser if you’re a weakling like me. This stop also has a dining area where you can take an afternoon meal. The entire tour was so cheap that I couldn’t believe how much we paid for the experience we got. It is definitely worth your time to take the winery tours in Ica!



当我访问秘鲁的伊卡时,我们在沙漠中进行了一次由三部分组成的酒厂之旅。我们从阿雷格里酒店(Bodegas Vista Alegre)开始。这家酒厂有一个漂亮的入口。我不禁回想起电影《打击》,约翰尼·德普饰演的角色第一次遇到巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔。但不用担心,这只是一个酿酒厂。这趟旅行将带你穿过装有旧木葫芦的房间,里面装满了发酵的葡萄酒和秘鲁的国酒皮斯科。接下来我们去了塔卡马庄园,这是我最喜欢的地方。这里的景色令人叹为观止,从钟楼望去,你可以看到酿酒厂、沙漠和伊卡周围群山的全景。最后一站是Bodega El Catador,在那里我们有最有趣的导游。这个地方的皮斯科酒太烈了,我差点窒息! So before you sample, have a chaser if you’re a weakling like me. This stop also has a dining area where you can take an afternoon meal. The entire tour was so cheap that I couldn’t believe how much we paid for the experience we got. It is definitely worth your time to take the winery tours in Ica!

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